During 2022, I have spent many hours photographing butterflies, it has been very enjoyable, addictive and tiring, the 4.45am alarm calls do start to take a toll!
A Ringlet amongst the grass and a Marbled White roosting on some Birdsfoot Trefoil

The Small Skipper, I have a soft spot for these guys, they really are stunning when you get up close to them.  I searched many times for the Silver Spotted Skipper, but just didn't have any luck, maybe next year.......
Some of the residents from a new site this year, a great new find, which always delivered....
A close-up portrait of a Common Blue
The Vintage Lens Collection
I had some fun with a Trioplan lens this year, it gives a great bubble bokeh effect
The Bokeh Collection
As the sun goes down on my butterfly season, I am already looking forward to next year....